Friday, January 15, 2010

维持原状!‘Allah’ allowed in East M’sia not in West M'sia





[caption id="attachment_4828" align="aligncenter" width="417" caption="纳兹里(左3)穿着深蓝色唐装,接受启德行属下3份不同语文的报章(《东方日报》、《Borneo Post》和《Utsuan Borneo》)专访,畅谈“阿拉”字眼争议的看法。"][/caption]





东方日报》的报导如下,还有姐妹报《婆罗洲邮报》(Borneo Post)也刊登同样的新闻。

 納茲里剖析阿拉爭議 東馬可用西馬禁





負責法律事務的納茲里今日接受啟德行集團屬下包括《東方日報》在內的3家報章聯合訪問時,這麼指出。2家來自東馬詩華集團的《婆羅洲馬來郵報》(Utusan Borneo)和《婆羅洲郵報》(Borneo Post)採訪隊伍,專程從亞庇和古晉飛抵吉隆坡專訪納茲里。


























Some quotes from DS Nazri Aziz 

I want to tell you that when certain quarter say that the govt is wrong to bring the matter to court, I want to say that it was not the government who brought the matter to court.
It was Pakiam (Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, Publisher of Herald). He was the one to ask the court for a judicial review on the action taken by the Minstry of Home Affairs to ban the use of the word of Allah. For many reasons we are against the use of Allah.

In the constitution there is an article which says that no other religion except for Islam can be propagated in the Muslim or the Malay community. That is the article in the act.

In order to give effect to that article, almost every state has an enactment no religion is allowed to be propagated among the Muslim or Malay community, except Sabah and Sarawak, WP, Malacca and Penang. Among other things, it is interpreted that if you translate any religious books into Malay language, then that is seen as  an act to propagate of non-muslim religions to those who professed the Muslim faith.

The word Allah... this is in the enactment. So, in the state of Selangor it is the right of sultan or any muslim to insist the authorities to take any action against any people, group wanting to use Allah as reference to their God.
In all these states it is against the law. This is constitutional. We did not pick up somewhere. That's why you see, if you read the papers, the sultan of Selangor has given a decree to stop using the word allah. In all the States, legally, it's against the law. There is no question of any court of law allowing other religion for use of the world Allah?

Q: What about the States in Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Selangor, WP?

In all these states, there is no enactment, we use the printing act where the Minister of Home Affairs has a right to ban the use of any word if he foresees that it may cause some problems and later on affect the security of the country.

The minister makes the blanket plan for the use of the word. Of course the agreed party like the herald they were the one who brought this matter to court. That's why Pakiam asked for judicial review whether the minister was right to ban. Because our system is such that the government has no choice to defend. 

We appeal because in the hight court, we feel that the judged has erred. In the High court, but that is not the issue. The issue is whether the minister has the discretion to ban. We appeal because the judge has erred.

She was making the decision whether Allah can be used. She could make decision in the four states that the Allah can be used. But not in other states.

The minister has not produced any strong evidence that if the word is not banned the security would be affected. This discretion given to the minister is preventive. At that time churches were not banned. It's difficult for the minister to give evidence to say that five has died. We don't want people to die, we don't want churches to be burned. This is exactly the thing that we want to prevent. Because we can foresee that things can happen. Therefore we appeal.

This is one reason, legal and constitutional reason why the word Allah cannot be used.Of course there are other reason why the judge was wrong.

People are curious why so sensitive. Remember the cows' head. If you look at all the laws in Malaysia, there is not a single law saying that I cannot buy a cow head, cut the head and step on it. I have done nothing wrong. Because we are multi-racial, multi-religious, people angry, but it's true, in this country, we have 7% hindu. We must except their sensitivity. 
We must give and take. If you can feel for the Hindus, you must feel for the Muslims. Don't because we have one group muslims, one group non-muslims. We can't have that, we have to be fair.

I want to say the history of propagation or the spread of Christian faith in this country was never in Arabic It was in English and later on in their mother tongue. The Malays do not understand. Now why you want to use Malay suddenly, we don't understand.

We are very sure the script used by Christians in this country is in English, or in Iban or Kadazan, or the Chinese in Chinese. We can't understand why. In Islam, the Koran is in Arabic, the other are just translation.

... If Bernard (referring to Bernard Dompok) said, look this is Malaysia, BM is only Iban and Kadazan who can only understand BM. Of coursem bernard fine that's it. You stick to Sabah and Sarawak. Fine no problem.

Bu if you are saying, there are now Ibans in Peninsular, just as we are going to Sarawak and Sbah, we respect. Of course, that's for Sarawak and Sabah. But if you are saying that now there is Ibans in Semanjung.

If you come to Semanjung, then you respect our customs and culture. Look in Sarawak and Sabah, I have been to Churches, I listened to sermons. That's fair. But if you come to Semanjung, follow our customs.

Q: Does that mean, there is two sets of law?

Yes! We don't care what you do in Sarawak and Sabah, but don't bring to Semanjung. It's entirely different culture for us.

That's cultural. Then we come to theology. We in Island, we have a Allah does not have a son. 

If you allow the Christians, especilaly the Roman Catholic. Jesus is the son of God. Mary is the Mother. There is this Holy Trinity. Our theology our doctrine say that Allah does not have a son. If you say, Allah has a son, difficult. It may confuse the Muslims themselves why Allah has a son. There is a confusion there.
We do not allow the confusion to be a debating item for the Muslims. We feel that the propagation of Christians will not be affected without using the word Allah. To avoid any future confusion, it's best to respect each other customs.

We feel that the propagation of Christian faith in anyway if Allah is not used. And don't come and tell me that Arab can use. But you never have your sermon in Arabic. Unless it is an attempt to confuse the people.

So avoid any future conflict it is best that we go back to status quo while waiting for the decision of the court. In Semanjung don't use, Sarawak and Sabah can use.

Q: So are you saying under 1Malaysia you should have two sets of law, East and West Malaysia?

There have always been two sets. That is no news to use ? Even before 1Malaysia, there were two sets of laws, Syarah and Malaysia law. It is the best solution. It is nothing new having two systems. You know as I said even the courts have two systems.
1Malaysia is respecting each other belief and customs. Our two sets not only East and West Malaysia. We have the vanicular schools and national streams. That's to show that we respect. For example like you talk about 1Malaysia, everything must be one, may be close Chinese School?

We are not farsighted enough, if we have actually encouraged more more non-chinese to Chinese schools, today, we would have been more successful. Because into 2010, China is the economic power. I regret not going to Chinese School. Or I would have gone to China and really talk and convince.

I am all to respect each other customs. I hate politicians who when they want support from their community, youngers like Nichole David, Lee Chong Wei, they contributed more than the politicians.

Politicians only contribute towards developing the country. But if if Lee Chong Wei, if he plays for Malaysia against China, he never thinks he is Chinese. He is Malaysian.

Q: Sentiments has been stirred. Do you think by having Sarawak and Sabah continuing to use Allah while Semanunjung Malaysia not to use will help ease the tenstion?

It should ease the situation. First, in most of the States is already the law. In the States, the sultan is the head of the muslim religion.

In three states, WP,  Penang and Melacca, we have to wait for the court decision. If the court so decide, we must respect. I am a seeker for law. I am a lawyer, if you break the laws, I don't care. It does not matter you are muslim, non-muslim, you are malays, you are Chinese, I fight.

I am very determined. I have also got an AG, Tan Sri Gahni, who is very adamant about the law.  We don't care. If you break the law, you are my opponon, even if we are of the same party.  I am also an anti-corruption minister. Our common enemy is corruption.

Q: What are your comments on Government managing the Allah Issues?
We managed very well. Because the minister took the action. If Pakiam has not brought the matter to court, nobody would not have known about it. Even to talk about who mishandled, it is not the government, ask Pakiam.

To me, people like these are very irresponsible. It will never have affected the  Christians at all if the word Allah is not use. If we have been sensitive just as we are sensitive to the Indians community, it would not have happened.

Since Pakiam brought this matter to court, we shall have got no choice, we have to go to court. As I said, we respect the law. We have the system, I will comply the system.

Q: How about the technical problem of Allah used in song?

The Malays know this is only a song. The Malays also know that if you use the word Allah when you can use the word Tuhan, the Malays will feel that something is in the midst.  Rekunnegara does not  mention Allah, only Tuhan.

Q: One of the arguments is that if we use the world Allah, the muslims will get confused. But in Indonesia and Brunei the word Allah is widely used, why the Muslims do not get confused?
In the first place, Islam does not have a place in Indonesia. That's why the Indonesians are not so particular about religion. They even call their newspapers Koran. You must look at the culture. It's called Koran. It's Dutch.

Indonesia is Indonesia. Malaysia is Malaysia. Islam has a place in the constitution.

Number two, Indonesia is secular state. But here are neither secular, nor theology. It's a combination.

1 comment:

  1. 所以,东马西马是“一个马来西亚”?
