Saturday, September 5, 2009


Flip-flop or U-turn?!Hisham kena cow-cow





24小时的变化,难怪Rocky-Bru形容希山kena cow-cow。《大马内幕者》掷地有声的社论除了批评希山,也提醒大家希山的祖父翁嘉化的梦想是团结,希山的父亲胡申翁则是团结之父。

希山要多喝几杯kopi cow-cow?又或许他做主请别人到布城喝kopi cow-cow?!希望我是错误的。


If it can be resolved quickly and can be done with both sides understanding each other ... why would we want to penalise anybody?

They are not getting off scot-free. They felt victimised and feel that there is another valid explanation on their part.

There was no intention on their part to cause racial divide. They, the organisers, who are sitting left and right of me, didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration.”

They said that they were very conscious and all that they wanted to do was to voice their unhappiness about the willingness of the state government to listen to their requests.

I was told that even the Hindus there are not so passionate that it is built there (section 23).

If I wanted to use the issue to create chaos in Selangor, I can but we didn’t take such actions.

I have it in my records to show there were cases where a pig-head was used by irresponsible parties including leaving the head in front of an Umno building covered by an Umno flag.


Police have identified the individuals involved.

The Home Ministry views seriously all issues that could undermine harmony, unity, as well as national security and stability of this multiracial country.

The residents met me in my office and told me that they were not involved in bringing the cow’s head there, and that certain quarters had exploited the situation.

While I listened to their explanation, I told them that whoever did it would have to face action.

But the bloggers made it seem that I fully supported the residents.

I said the Hindu community wanted a temple and they were not particular about its exact location. It could be built in another section.

I felt there could be a win-win situation for both sides.

哎哟,写太多了... 最新消息《当今大马》受有关当局指使撤下两则短片,即8月28日“牛头示威”和9月2日“希山记者会”的短片。


  1. 对这个国家,已绝望。。。我还是决定移民算了。无眼睇啊!!!NIAMAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 建议你找点钱往各国走走好了,记得要去去中国喔!看过共产党执政的国家后,就会特别想回家的了。

  3. 谢谢你,俊少。

