Tuesday, July 7, 2009



读了Rocky Bru这则撰文(Goodbye, Blog House!)后发现,很多事情已经变了。



他们包括Rocky BruNurainaAhmad Talib,还有更早的A.Kadir Jasin,这批被视为“亲马派”老臣子在阿都拉时代没有好日子过,以不同原因离开亲巫统的媒体集团岗位。

[caption id="attachment_3421" align="aligncenter" width="100" caption="这是部落客早期发起的运动“团结一致,不畏惧”。"]这是部落客早期发起的运动“团结一致,不畏惧”。[/caption]

如今,换了首相,巫统官联公司的首要媒体集团(Media Prima)领导层也跟着大洗牌,这些人回锅进入领导层,在不同的岗位把关。从以往批评主流媒体的偏袒,到现在准备面对他人的批评,身份对调说明政局决定主流媒体的格局。

这些英文报和马来报前辈,是我在工作和担任全国媒体俱乐部(National Press Club)理事期间认识。目前,他们都找到新方向(除了A.Kadir Jasin),重返熟悉的岗位,主导新闻舆论走向。


这一轮的巫统媒体集团的改组,暂时没有传出辞退高层或离职事情。不然风水轮流转,离开主流报章的高层摇身一变成为重炮手的部落客,炮轰政府和主流媒体,重演历史...  有可能吗?!我也不知道,天晓得...





至少目前,还未发生类似主流媒体《新海峡时报》起诉部落客(Rocky和Jeff Ooi)事件。



The house at 66, Lorong Setiabistari 2, Bukit Damansara was my idea of a headquarters for the National Alliance of Bloggers (All-Blogs). We signed a two-year lease in mid-2007 and turned it into a place where bloggers could work from or wind down at the end of the day.

The exco of the All-Blogs held their meetings in the living room of the house, organised a couple of talks by visiting bloggers, and discussed ways to engage a government that was then hostile towards blogs.

We wanted a change in the national leadership and we talked a lot about the coming 12th General Election. The Bangsa Malaysia inititiatve was launched here, Marina Mahathir held the multifaith doa selamat for Dr M also at this place, and citizens huddled together to follow the progress of their political parties ont he night of the General Election from there.

Pro-Opposition bloggers would mingle freely with pro-Government bloggers and they would call one another "brader" every time they met, right up to the last big event - the get-together to mark 100 days since the GE, a party where several people's reps from PR and one from BN, and their suppoters, turned up.

Last night, I handed back the keys of the house to a representative of the landlord and brought down the "Blog House" signage at the entrance.

Where will the All Blogs go after this?

Maybe nowhere, but the people who made up the Alliance have moved on: interim vice president Jeff Ooi has gone on to become a Member of Parliament for Jelutong, (DAP) exco member Elizabeth Wong is serving the people as an Adun for Bukit Lanjan, Selangor (PKR), and pro-tem secretary Nuraina A. Samad has gone back to the Umno-owned NST as its managing editor. Some of the exco members have vanished from blogosphere and from my life while a few, including Tony Yew and Li Tsin (who has stopped blogging), still keep in touch.

Perhaps it is time for a closure to a chapter ....

1 comment:

  1. 写得红未必思想有见地,一个能够影响社会的部落客,首先就应该先有独立思考的能力。那些随风摇摆的,没有思想主骨的是经不起时间考验的。可能他们从此官运亨通,但是是否背弃了之前的理想甚至人格?

