Thursday, December 6, 2007



废话少说,今天游览言不由衷部落格(Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin)。


Would anarchy catch up with lost time? Someone had re-write and re-produced the movie V-Vendetta and hosted it at youtube.

That new movie is frightening. It's like watching Basic Instinct where the stories in a novel is made real. It's scary.

Was it a remaking of Basic Instinct and Vendetta?

Was it due to the demise of democracy and liberalism?

Was Failure the call sign?

Was Oppression and Authoritarianism the fundamental trigger?

Was Power and the obsession to hold-on to power by coercion and immoral sanction the root of discontent?

The acts must have had backfired!

1 comment:

  1. Nice video editing, i like this movie so much, cos i think the situation in the movie is almost the same to the situation in our country. People should not afraid to their goverment! Goverment should be afraid to their PEOPLE!!! Viola! Let's V it out for VENDETTA!!!
